Formations – Testimonials

Testimonials Mustapha BOUBEKRI

B. CHERFI – Telnet:

Mustapha nous a accompagné dans la mise en place de l’agile dans notre société. Son écoute, sa bienveillance, sa richesse humaine et toutes ses compétences en facilitation et coaching, les outils qu’il maîtrise, le cadre et l’exigence dont il fait preuve, ont été pour nous précieux et riche pour mener à bien cette mission.

Ce fut un plaisir de travailler avec toi, au-delà de l’efficacité, ton humour, ton intelligence et ta sensibilité font de toi une personne exceptionnelle et un « sérieux » professionnel qui ne s’y prend pas.



I had the chance to meet Mustapha during his mission of our coaching within the company Telnet. I salute his commitment and professionalism. It has brilliantly succeeded in accompanying the various teams in agile transformation. It was thanks to his advice, training, workshops … that we took the first steps in the Agile world. In addition to his professional qualities, mentioned even by our client, Mustapaha has impressive human qualities that have helped him to integrate well into our company. I only have good memories of his mission of 6 months. Good continuation Coach.


Mustapha est un excellent coach agile qui sait, par son expertise des valeurs et pratiques agiles ainsi que par sa pédagogie et son accompagnement, faire comprendre et faire adhérer ses interlocuteurs au sujet et les aider dans leur transformation agile.
Naturellement Agile et ayant naturellement le sens du partage font de lui l’un des meilleurs coachs.




Know the way to change is hard to discover it alone, with consultation of Mustapha it was evidence to took the agility way and to learn how to create successful product.


F. MSELMI – Laur’s Consulting:

I have collaborated with Mustapha BOUBEKRI for five years as a consultant with abilities and motivation that I would unhesitatingly classify as excellent. I found in him a keen expert of the subject of innovation. He showed particular aptitude in solving customer problems and helping them achieve their goals.



Expert is an often overused word, but when done in the context of Mustapha BOUBEKRI and his work around coaching and business management it’s entirely accurate. I found him to be extremely enthusiastic and driven. It’s rare to work with someone who engage people to transform the culture capability. From my personal experience, I have benefited enormously from Mustapha’s experiences and SCRUM coaching, he is always generous to broadcast the values of changes.
I don’t hesitate to recommend Mustapha to any person or entreprise that is serious to leap to the change


For everyone who wants to immediately see the return on his investment,
For everyone looking for mobilizing his employees towards excellence, reaching goals, For everyone seeking Expertise, managed Services and Quality of training
For every Business man looking for a valuable Partner, looking for satisfaction and value adding services
I recommend Mr. Mustapha Boubekri,
(As a German multi-national company) we booked Mustapha for one session Agile PM with SCRUM, now we booked him for five sessions and this says a lot….




I had the chance to meet Mustapha during a SCRUM training which he animated for our company. 2 sesions have been organized with participants from consulting and development teams.
The training was successfull for all participants. Mustapha visited us few days before the training to understand our needs and to offer a personnalized training and this was very good prepared.
The information, examples and scenarios provided during the training reflected a professional commitment from Mustapaha to offer a high quality service.
I wish him all the success in his professional and personal carreers




I had the opportunity to do my PMP training with Mustapha.
Mustapha is characterized by a simple and effective teaching style.
Mustapha is very organized. He is very involved.
In fact, Mustapha provides moral support to his trainees.

He is always attentive and provides necessary assistance.

I really recommand Mustapha and MBAlliance for PMP trainining


Mustapha is an exceptionnel ressource and a coach for innovators on design thinking . I don’t hesitate to recommend Mustapha to any intrested instituition and entreprise to reinnovate with diffirent system